DirtBikes.com 2014 Holiday Gift Guide–Gifts Priced Over $500

Check out our Holiday gift ideas for all the spoiled kids out there…and bring your Gold Card.


5. Scott’s Performance Sub-Mount Steering Stabilizer, $499.00-599.00
The Scott’s Performance Steering Stabilizer is so popular that it has been called one of the 10 most influential dirtbike products of all time. It is a compact, fully adjustable, hydraulic shock absorbing damper that mounts to your dirtbike’s steering head area right above or below your handlebar mount, depending on which model you choose. The Steering Stabilizer helps to stabilize the front end of your motorcycle, which also helps the rear of the motorcycle track straighter and allows your suspension to work the way it was intended to. It can reduce the chance of having your handlebars jerked from your hands when you inadvertently hit a rock or catch a rut, and reduces the unwanted head-shake. The stabilizer has internal circuitry and hydraulic valving that readjusts the amount of shock that would have been received through your handlebars when an obstacle is encountered. The link arm, which connects the stabilizer to the frame, reacts instantaneously, absorbing any unwanted movement. It has three fully adjustable circuits so you can tailor its intervention. It is available for most late model dirtbikes.
Scott’s Performance
2625 Honolulu Avenue
Montrose, CA 91020

